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Laser Excel® V Pre- and Post-Care Instructions

The Excel V laser is used to treat persistent facial redness, telangiectasias (tiny blood vessels), scars, red stretch marks, red birthmarks, as well as persistent brown spots. Sun damage and repeated episodes of flushing can add up to persistent red patches, broken blood vessels and diffused pigmentation. We offer the most advanced treatment to improve the appearance of these skin problems with our Cutera Excel V which combines two ultra-precise, best-in-class laser wavelengths (532/1064 nm) in one device.


    • Avoid sun exposure (apply sunscreen daily and do not tan at all) for four to six weeks before and after treatment.
    • Do not apply self-tanners or spray tans for four weeks prior to treatment.
    • You may use retinol up to the day of treatment and resume one to two days post-treatment.
    • Depending on your skin type, a bleaching regimen may be started two to six weeks before treatment.
    • If you have a history of fever blisters, notify Dr. Hooper or Dr. Jackson. We may write you a prescription for prophylactic antiviral therapy to start on the day of treatment to prevent a flare-up.
    • You must notify the technician if you have had any cosmetic tattooing on or near the area to be treated.
    • You must notify your doctor if you are on aspirin, ibuprofen, iron supplementation, anticoagulants, vitamin E, or herbal supplements such as gingko, garlic, or ginseng. We recommend avoiding these products for two weeks prior to your procedure unless your primary care physician has placed you on them for a medical condition.
    • Photosensitizing medications including doxycycline and tetracycline should be discontinued three days prior to treatment.


    • The heat from the laser pulses may be slightly uncomfortable during and immediately following treatment.  Cold gel packs/ice can be applied to reduce discomfort.
    • Tylenol is recommended for any pain, as needed.
    • AVOID THE SUN completely after treatment to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation (darkening) of the skin, with very minimal exposure for up to one to two weeks following the treatment. Use a broad spectrum SPF 30 zinc oxide or titanium dioxide with UV A/B sunblock DAILY.
    • Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours after treatment.
    • Wait at least four to six weeks before the next treatment, as the resolution of the vessels continues throughout this entire period.
    • Your leg veins may appear bruised or darker red following treatment.  This discoloration will fade over the next few weeks. Brown discoloration may take several months to fade.
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