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Clear + Brilliant® Pre- and Post- Care Instructions

Clear + Brilliant is a gentle laser that refreshes your skin from the inside out. The laser energy creates microscopic thermal treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger looking tissue. It take about 45 min, with a 15-20 minute numbing period prior to treatment. In recent studies, consumers reported visible improvements after 4-6 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart. Clear + Brilliant is a beneficial treatment for both women and men of all ages and skin types who are looking to prevent the signs of aging. It is a great no downtime treatment to begin in your 20’s and 30’s. It will help increase the collagen in the skin, brighten the skin, tighten pores and help address early signs of aging or maintain the look of the skin. About 1 week after Clear + Brilliant, you can expect your skin to feel softer and have improved tone, texture and radiance.


  • Avoid direct sun exposure for a week prior to treatment.
  • Avoid any ablative lasers four weeks prior to treatment.
  • Please arrive with no makeup, including eyeliner, mascara, or lipstick.
  • If the skin is irritated from the use of exfoliants like Tretinoin, discontinue use one week prior to treatment.


  • Treated skin may be slightly red post treatment, which usually resolves within a few hours. If you have sensitive skin, redness can persist for 24 hours.
  • Treated skin will feel slightly rough for 3-14 days following treatment. Do not pick or try to scrub treated skin, allow it to slough off naturally for best results.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for at least a week post treatment. Wear sunscreen and a brimmed hat when outside.
  • Post-treatment products will be suggested.


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